Alamo Ranch Community Church exists to be a church that glorifies God by making disciples whose identity and joy are found and rooted in the gospel of Jesus.

Gospel-Centered Preaching

Our preaching philosophy is rooted in 2 Timothy 3:16-17  which says, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." With that in mind our preaching is expository and exegetical. meaning we preach through books of the Bible verse by verse in an effort to know God as He is revealed through Scripture.
Michael McCracken

Christ-Exalting Music

As disciples of Christ we are called to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Our music seeks to give our church an opportunity to be genuinely moved to respond and express our love and devotion to Christ for who He is, what He's done, and who we are in light of those truths.
Michael McCracken

Intentional Disciple-Making

Jesus' command to go and make disciples was a call to every believer. Whether you're a new believer, have been walking with Jesus for years, or you don't know Him yet, our mission is the same to make disciples. Here you will find a place to be poured into and grow in your faith so that you can turn around and pour out to others and help them grow.  
Michael McCracken

Community to Know and Be Known

We believe discipleship happens in community. God has given his people a great gift and opportunity in doing life together. Each week we gather in Gospel Communities in our area to break bread, dive into Scripture, and pray together. We desire that everyone who would call ARCC home would be a part of this family of believers that God has established here.
Michael McCracken

Explore More

Go deeper into what we believe and the God we believe in.
ARCC is an elder-led church, a term synonymous with pastor, shepherd, and overseer in Scripture.

Redeemer Network

As part of the Redeemer Network, we have committed to plant churches and supporting others to do the same.

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