February 23, 2024


Fathers (Mothers) In The Faith

1 Corinthians 4:6-21

Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church is a response to real questions by real people whom Paul knows and loves.  1 Corinthians is certainly practical and theological answers to questions, but at its core it is an example of shepherding a flock of sinners saved by grace.  Answers are given, thoughts are expounded, falsehoods are confronted with a heart that these people would experience grace and peace walking in the privilege that it is to be those called into the fellowship of Jesus Christ by the God of the universe.
Michael McCracken

DNA Questions

DNA Questions - 1 Corinthians 4:6-21
  • What does Paul mean by not wanting them to "go beyond what is written"?
  • What is Paul's purpose in comparing his life to that of the church at Corinth? (v. 8-13)
  • What does Paul mean that the Kingdom "does not consist in talk but in power"?
  • Are there any areas of your life that are "puffed up"?  How would you know?
  • When was the last time that you were given helpful perspective regarding your life?  What made it so helpful?  
  • Do you have someone in your life who can not only tell you right from wrong but also look at your life and tell you that you are right or wrong?
  • What would it look like for you to seek out and/or be a father (mother) figure?
  • How can we create a culture at ARCC where people are hungry to have and to be an influence like this?


Set List

In Your Presence
Lord I Need You
You Never Change
Jesus is Better
O Praise The Name (Anástasis)


Father, thank you for the gift of our families…especially our parents who taught us right from wrong, and good from evil, and who taught us to love church and her main message of the good news of Jesus Christ. Lord help us to honor our father and our mother…by showing them respect and gratitude through a life of responsible living and serving and following Christ for the sake of our kids, their grandkids. Thanks again Father, thanks a-lot for dad and mom’s love for each other which taught us how we were to love our future mate. But Father, most of all, thank you for being our family….loving us the way you do…for being so faithful to us …our Father who has loved us unconditionally…full of grace and truth and tender mercies and loving kindnesses. Bless you father and the family you have given us…including our spiritual family called the church in Christ.  In whose name we pray  amen!
Jim McCracken


Moses' Farewell Deuteronomy 31-34

Questions for your kids:

Will God ever leave His people? Why not?

How is Jesus a better leader than Moses?