February 16, 2024


How Do You Walk Into The Room?

1 Corinthians 4:1-5

Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church is a response to real questions by real people whom Paul knows and loves.  1 Corinthians is certainly practical and theological answers to questions, but at its core it is an example of shepherding a flock of sinners saved by grace.  Answers are given, thoughts are expounded, falsehoods are confronted with a heart that these people would experience grace and peace walking in the privilege that it is to be those called into the fellowship of Jesus Christ by the God of the universe.
Michael McCracken

DNA Questions

DNA Questions - 1 Corinthians 4:1-5
  • Why does Paul need to tell the reader how to "regard" him?
  • What does Paul mean when he says that it is a small thing to be judged by them?
  • Why is it important that God is going to disclose the purposes of our hearts?
  • How do you want people to "regard" you?  How close is that to the actual truth about you?  How would you know?
  • How does God's judgment bring freedom?
  • How can the gospel help us not be so quick to judge?
  • What would be different about you if you stopped judging the motives of those around you?
  • How would this week be different for you if you didn't judge yourself?


Set List

This Is Amazing Grace
Man of Sorrows
Jesus You Alone
Before the Throne of God Above
All Hail King Jesus


Father, thank you for your word…the Bible…You speaking to us from each page of your divinely inspired Word. Thanks for giving us the Spirit who enlightens our hearts and minds to the meaning of your messages to us from those holy oracles from heaven. Please help us to stay in your word.  Now Bless our elders as they study the Bible and teach us how to do that too…how to listen for you as we read and dig into the Word like you want us to.  I thank you for the major emphasis that our leaders give to the preaching, teaching, and learning from your words to us.  You’ve given us an excitement to hear from you from Continue to give us ears to hear and hearts to believe your word and power to obey your messages to us. In Jesus’ name…amen
Jim McCracken


The People Complained Numbers 16; 20-21

Questions for your kids:

Why is complaining a sin?

How can we turn away from complaining?