Thinking About How We Think
1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church is a response to real questions by real people whom Paul knows and loves. 1 Corinthians is certainly practical and theological answers to questions, but at its core it is an example of shepherding a flock of sinners saved by grace. Answers are given, thoughts are expounded, falsehoods are confronted with a heart that these people would experience grace and peace walking in the privilege that it is to be those called into the fellowship of Jesus Christ by the God of the universe.
Michael McCracken
DNA Questions
DNA Questions - 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
- Why is the word of the cross folly to those who are perishing?
- How is it the power of God to those being saved?
- What is Paul getting at when he asks the reader to "consider their calling"?
- How does it impact you to consider one of God's purposes in salvation is to "destroy the wisdom of the wise"?
- Is it good news for you that God would choose what is low and despised in the world and even things that are not to bring to nothing things that are? Why or why not?
- What does it say about us that God would need to intentionally see to it that we would never boast in His presence?
- What would change about our perceptions, words, and actions if our hearts latched onto the reality that those who reject Christ are "perishing"?
- What would it look like for you to boast in the Lord this week?
Set List
Hope Of The Ages
It Was Finished Upon That Cross
In Christ Alone
Run To The Father
Jesus Paid It All
It Was Finished Upon That Cross
In Christ Alone
Run To The Father
Jesus Paid It All
Father, Paul sent letters of instruction and warning and love and encouragement and prayer to the churches of his day. He greeted them with a desire also…”grace and peace” from God for their daily lives on mission with Jesus…grace for the power they would need to do what they would see you doing in love and courage and giving and spreading the gospel…and peace for faith to face the tough stuff of doing mission with Christ in our day. So Father, thanks for grace and peace today. And please heal the sick in our church family as well as in all of Jesus’ churches in the world. And comfort and rescue the persecuted brethren in the churches being targeted by anti-Christian groups around the world. Thanks, Father. Bless our Elders as they lead us. And bless our deacons as they help our elders to love and serve us for the sake of the gospel. And Father one more thing. Bless our brother Dave as he joins the Power Mission Team as they serve pastors and their families in Mexico and lend a testimony in evangelizing northern Mexico this week and next. And bless his wife, Edlana, as she stays home, by the stuff, praying and supporting her husband. Thanks, Father, for what you’re doing in our church. We love you. Help us love you better. In Jesus name…amen!
Jim McCracken
Building the Tabernacle - Exodus 35-40
Building the Tabernacle - Exodus 35-40
Questions for your kids:
The tabernacle was a tent that could be packed up and carried. Why was this important?
An important piece of the tabernacle was the ark of the covenant. What was inside it, and what did it remind the people of?
Starting this Sunday January 19th, we are going to be offering a marriage class at 9:00 on Sunday mornings. This is an amazing opportunity to strengthen your marriage upon the solid rock of the gospel of the Lord Jesus, as well as a really safe space to seek help and support in a difficult season. Come join us!