January 1st - Day 1

Jan 1, 2020    Jim McCracken

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Our reading today (Gen chapters 1-3) reveals the description of God creating heaven and earth. And we will take a little closer look at it shortly. But the theme of creation begs the question, “When did creation, as described here, happen?”

Most evolutionist scientists say life began on earth 3.5 billion yrs ago...or so. And that human ancestors began showing up 2-4 million years ago. But Creation scientists, those who believe the Biblical record of God creating everything in a literal 6 twenty-four hour period, date creation between 6 and 10,000 years ago. Quite a difference. Darwinian evolutionists say that Biblical Creationists are not scientists because their evidence is based on the “assumption of a cataclysmic flood” that happened once upon a time. Well, your Bible reading partner today believes that the biblical record is true...without error...including the record of the flood and Noah’s ark...and the final authority for our lives, inside and outside the church. So I am a “recent” creation dating man and not the billions of years proponent. And unlike the evolutionists, I believe that God created it all “out of nothing.” Awesome to think on ...isn't it?

Continuing from the text....”Who existed in the beginning of everything?” God!!! God was there, Father Son and Holy Spirit...whenever that was, God was there in the beginning. And our bibles say that God was doing something...He was creating the heavens (and all that was in them) and He was creating the earth (and all that was in and upon it.) In our reading today, the Bible says that after 6 days of creating, God finished that creation work...that included and woman...for the purpose of doing life together with Him and by God’s power, taking responsible dominion for the earth and heavens and all therein to the glory and worship of God.

All of that is a Wow! But remember a greater Wow of God creating something new with a “finishing” touch....2 Cor 5:17 The Apostle Paul said “If there be any man in Christ he is a “new creation”, old things have passed away and all things have been made new.” In Christ we are “new creations”, still thinking on the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross and what Jesus said just before He breathed His last...”It is Finished”...Jesus said “tetelestai” is paid
and it is purchased sin debt is paid and my eternal home in heaven is purchased. God created the heavens and the earth...and then He finished. Later, God the Son made new creations out of all who believed on Him. And He said, “I'm finished...I did what the Father sent me to do...I satisfied the righteous judgment of God on sin by taking sin’s penalty upon my body so that those called and chosen could be saved eternally.

And if you are like me when you're reading passages and verses in the Bible, such as, when it says “In the beginning” ( God created the heavens and the earth)...perhaps you asked, “Wonder what God was doing prior to creation, being the eternal being that He was and is? And then I am reminded of Ephesians 1:4 “God chose us in Christ (When?) “before the foundations of the world were laid.” That too is a huge Wow...I hope that you are believing the Lord with makes us one of God’s chosen ones from before the beginning of time. Blows me away too. And makes me want to worship Him today with all of my heart. Thank You, Lord, Now Use us in any way You choose today.