December 24th - Day 358

Dec 24, 2020    Jim McCracken

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December 24th

The bible reading today is another pastoral letter...2Timothy.

By the time Paul wrote this encouraging letter to the young pastor, Timothy had been pastoring in Ephesus for over 4 years.

Timothy received Paul’s first letter some 3 1/2 years before this one.

Timothy left his home in Lystra over 10 years before to join Paul on his second and then his third missionary journeys. And Timothy ministered alongside his mentor Paul in Ephesus for about three years at the end of that third missionary journey.

At the end of the third missionary journey, Paul left Timothy in Ephesus to serve the growing church there. Four years into his ministry in Ephesus Timothy was facing trials and difficulties and uncertainties inside his church. Thus, Paul wrote to encourage and inspire the young pastor.

Paul was in a cold and damp cell in a Roman prison when he wrote this letter. Paul had been out of prison for a season. But somewhere along the timeline, he was apprehended by Nero’s persecution squad. Shortly after Paul sent the 2nd letter to his young protege’ he was beheaded by Roman officials...

This letter was sort of a “state of the church” address. Paul let Timothy know some of the things that God was up to in other churches. Paul was hoping to build faith in his young friend.

Paul knew that his time on earth was short and he wanted to instruct Timothy in such a way that he could continue with courage the ministry God called him to in Ephesus...especially when the aged apostle was gone to heaven.

Let us hear and feel the passion of Paul for his beloved student...“I charge you, Timothy, He was saying...This is important, my young friend...listen...and recognize where I get my authority to charge you...I charge you the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, This is not frivolous...this is not extracurricular...this is as important as anything the Lord has laid on my heart to teach you...And I don't carelessly say this because God the Father and Jesus are watching and listening...And they judge the living and the here it is...“preach the word”...The words of God...for they are God-breathed and not just man spoken...

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man and woman of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”